We create and test learning experiences that lead to deep understanding and an ability to act thoughtfully upon the world. Whether in settings that are rich or poor in resources, we are committed to building sound foundations in literacy, science, and mathematics.
Through engaging classroom curricula, media instruction, digital tools, and teacher training, we equip children and young adults with the fundamentals they need to be successful—in school and in life.
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In this midterm evaluation of the Basa Pilipinas project in the Philippines, EDC tracked and measured changes in student reading performance.
Math for All is a multi-media mathematics professional development resource for general and special education teachers.
This resource is designed to help K–8 teachers prepare their students to succeed in STEM learning in high school and thrive in STEM careers.
EDC, in collaboration with District 75 Citywide Programs, New York City Department of Education, conducted a rigorous study of Structured Methods in Language Education (SMiLE), a highly structured, multisensory reading program designed to provide the high-need population of students with significant cognitive disabilities who are non- or beginning readers with the skills to access authentic text, become readers and move towards greater independence
This report shares the findings from a landscape study commissioned by The Wallace Foundation and conducted by EDC to advance knowledge of how school districts ensure and improve the quality of the
This online hub contains a wide range of resources to support educators in building young students’ computational thinking (CT) skills. Resources include information about six models of CT integration, a CT integration and self-assessment tool, EDC researchers’ key learnings, and curricular resources.
EDC’s basic education programs in low-resource contexts support the development of learners who can use language to explain and analyze the world around them and who have the foundational skills to think critically and solve the range of problems they will encounter in school and life.
This case study is one of the Sustainable Finance Initiative’s seven rapid country case studies studying the state of school meals programs.
This guide helps school districts choose the computer science (CS) curricula that best suit their communities’ needs.
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