EDC experts will share strategies to prevent suicide and promote mental health at the 2020 American Association of Suicidology Virtual Conference on April 22–25. The theme of the conference is “Crossroads: Preventing Suicide and Building Lives Worth Living.”
This year, EDC will present sessions focused on care transitions, evidence-based decision-making, the role of sports in suicide prevention, and building a strong prevention infrastructure.
EDC Sessions – Dates and Times
Session Title
EDC Presenters
Thursday, April 23
9–9:15 a.m. (PT)
Sade Heart of the Hawk Ali
2–3 p.m. (PT)
“Deaths of Despair”: Helpful or Harmful to Suicide Prevention?
Linda Langford
Friday, April 24
9:30–10 a.m. (PT)
Leveraging the Power of Sport to Promote Mental Wellness and Prevent Suicide
Colleen Carr (moderator)
1–2 p.m. (PT)
Expanding the Field’s Focus from Evidence-Based Programs to Evidence-Based Decision-Making
Linda Langford, Shawna Hite-Jones, Amy Painter
1–2 p.m. (PT)
Care Transitions in Suicide Care: Challenges, Best Practices, Innovation, and Strategies
Colleen Carr, Terresa Humphries Wadsworth
1–2 p.m. (PT)
Implementing Zero Suicide in Indian Country
Sade Heart of the Hawk Ali
2–3 p.m. (PT)
“You Can’t Build a House without a Foundation”
Elly Stout