Six grants reflect EDC commitment to inclusion and equity in STEM
EDC recently received notice of six grants awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF renewed one project and provided funding for five additional projects, all of which reflect EDC’s commitment to inclusion and equity in STEM education.
Building on EDC’s previous NSF-funded work, the following projects aim to support researchers, as well as strengthen effective teaching and learning in critical areas such as mathematics, data literacy, computational thinking, and computer science:
Center for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE) EDC continues its nearly decade-long leadership of CADRE, which supports a network of more than 300 NSF-funded grantees and their projects to build their research capacity and the reach and influence of their findings to improve STEM education.
Inquiry and Equity: Who Gets to Ask Questions in Mathematics? EDC, in collaboration with Iowa State University and the University of Delaware, is creating a fellowship program for university mathematics education faculty.
Equitable Computer Science Implementation in All NYC Schools Building on its collaboration with New York City’s CS4All (Computer Science for All) initiative, EDC aims to provide greater access to quality computer science education to students underrepresented in CS and to address implementation and sustainability challenges, with a focus on middle- and low-performing NYC schools.
Collaborative Research: The Development of Computational Literacy through the Integration of Computational Thinking and Early Language and Literacy Development in Urban Preschools EDC and WGBH will work together to conduct exploratory research and development on ways to support children’s computational literacy and narrative development.
EAGER: Building CT Readiness EDC and its partners will refine and test an existing framework, self-diagnostic tool, rubric, evaluation instruments, and (forthcoming) online platform to determine their effectiveness in integrating computational thinking (CT) across multiple school subjects.
Integrating Computational Thinking into Insights Elementary Science Curriculum EDC will revise and test the integration of computational thinking into four Insights modules.