EDC is home to people who care deeply about improving education, health, and opportunity worldwide. Contact them to learn more about what we do and what we know.
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Kathy Lisborg, licensed clinical social worker and senior project associate, is experienced in implementation science, mental health,...
Carrie S. Liston is dedicated to helping programs and organizations increase their impact through evaluation. Liston has over 17 years of...
Julia Loewenthal, an experienced public health professional and trained clinical social worker, is currently working as an EDC project...
Alex Long is an EDC training and technical assistance (TA) specialist with extensive expertise in promoting mental health and well-being...
Terri Longworth, an EDC training and technical assistance (TA) associate, is an expert in early education and a highly skilled trainer,...
Josephine Louie, a highly experienced researcher, specializes in providing new insights into education policy, STEM education, technology integration, and social science.