About this project library
EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting forced remote learning for all pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students, Columbus City Schools (CCS) delayed the start of the 2020–2021 academic year by...
Today, all scientists use computational thinking skills and technology to conduct routine tasks, to discover, and to innovate. Students can develop these skills before they graduate from high school...
Eighty percent of second-grade students in Mali are unable to read a single word in their mother language. But what is the best way to improve literacy rates in a country where teachers are...
To ensure a vital STEM economy, our country must provide engaging and inclusive STEM learning opportunities, inside and outside of school, to inspire the next generation of innovators and inventors...
As learning opportunities continue to be needed outside of the physical classroom, the need for customized, locally tailored content is greater than ever. Mobile applications hold great promise for...
All students will need to be data literate to navigate our increasingly data-driven world. Yet few resources exist to guide teachers in fostering students’ data literacy and helping them make...
In today’s data-driven world, innovation, scientific progress, and the health of civil society demand a data-literate citizenry and a workforce with strong statistical thinking skills. Studies show,...
Civic engagement is foundational for a thriving democracy. Young people need to be equipped and motivated to participate as active members of their communities. High-quality civics education empowers...
Passing Algebra 1 is an important milestone on the path to college and career readiness. Students who succeed in algebra are far more likely to graduate from high school on time and gain access to...
Research findings have confirmed the wide-ranging and mutually reinforcing benefits generated by school feeding programs—particularly when complemented by school health programs—across several...
The achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education, which aims to ensure inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all by 2030, is badly off track. The COVID-19 pandemic...
Egypt boasts the largest education system in the Middle East, with more than 23.5 million students in primary and secondary education, 1 million teachers, and 56,000 schools. 1 While net enrollment...
Since 2006, the Library of Congress’s (Library’s) Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program has supported the use of Library resources in K–12 classrooms to enhance student engagement, improve...
Research shows that children who have opportunities to explore science at an early age have greater STEM success later in life. In fact, about half of eighth graders who are interested in science go...
Literacy is a basic right that empowers individuals and benefits society. However, over 600 million children worldwide lack basic reading skills and do not have access to quality early grade reading...