About this project library
EDC collaborates with public and private partners to create, deliver, and evaluate programs, services, and products in 22 countries around the world. This library contains profiles of our current work and initiatives.
Rapid advances in technology create an urgent need to prepare learners of all ages for the changing world of work . Researchers are studying emerging learning technologies to identify strategies to...
Substance misuse is an urgent public health crisis with far-reaching consequences affecting individuals, families, communities, and society. Current prevention programs are a key factor in mitigating...
The nation’s prevention professionals play an essential role in helping communities address pressing substance abuse and other behavioral health challenges, including underage drinking, prescription...
State education agencies (SEAs), including independent early learning offices, play an essential role in developing policies that support young children’s school readiness and success. Yet nationwide...
Financial literacy is critical to many of life’s milestones: going to college (student loans), getting a job (saving and spending), getting married (budgeting for a wedding), buying a house (...
Research shows that unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in children and youth ages 0 to 19 in the United States. In 2018, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that...
Out-of-school time (OST) programs and schools across the country are facing critical challenges as they navigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being...
In many Asia Pacific nations, environmental degradation has a disproportionate impact on Indigenous populations. The damage is substantial: forest destruction, warming and pollution of fishing waters...
Improving STEM education is a team effort. It requires dedicated teachers, researchers, curriculum developers, and scholars all working together to support innovation and excellence in the classroom...
It’s well known that engineers need strong critical-thinking skills and technical skills specific to their disciplines. Less well known is that leaders in the field and organizations such as the...
Youth are avid creators and consumers of data-related claims through their active participation on social media. However, participation on these same social media platforms can result in echo...
STEM knowledge enriches our experiences of the natural and social worlds. Providing children with early opportunities to interact with STEM through playful and creative activities can increase their...
In the past, many informal learning institutions have not considered neurological differences as they planned learning experiences. Or, they have offered separate programming for autistic individuals...
Our world is facing acute crises, including educational inequities, health disparities, and mental health and substance use epidemics. Every day, these crises are negatively impacting the learning...
To meet the growing demand for quality education, the world needs 44 million additional teachers by 2030, with 15 million of them in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. However, increasing the supply of...