With one quarter of the population between the ages of 10 and 24, the demand in Southeast Asia for education and economic opportunity is greater than ever. EDC’s efforts in Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Lower Mekong to create meaningful opportunities for youth by aligning public, private, education, and industry partners have been successful, reaching hundreds of thousands of young people.

EDC is also improving elementary and basic education for younger children though high-quality literacy programs, teacher professional development, and policy implementation. And we are fighting drug abuse and HIV/AIDS through programs that help people develop the knowledge and behaviors they need to chart a long, healthy future.


Here are a few of our resources on Asia. To see more, visit our Resources section.

Transforming the Education Workforce lays out three evidence-based visions for strengthening the education workforce, creating more collaborative learning teams, and transforming education systems into learning systems.


This program guide offers a resource for development specialists initiating or strengthening integrated literacy programs for youth aged 15 to 24 who are not involved informal education.


This report builds on the DeliverEd research in Ghana, Pakistan, Jordan, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania that sheds light on the effectiveness of delivery approaches for improving policy implementation. It proposes a framework for policymakers to consider when determining whether and how to launch, learn from, and scale and sustain delivery approaches.


This report examines the challenges and successes of USAID Philippines’ Mindanao Youth for Development (MYDev) program in partnering with the private sector.

Fact sheets

An overview of EDC’s capacity as a leading international organization working at the nexus of youth workforce development and employment, education, climate change adaptation, and the green economy


In this action memo, we consider proposals for more effective donor investment in school health and nutrition.

Fact sheets

Future Proof Skills is a comprehensive work-readiness and skills-development program designed for higher education students and graduates and will enable them to not only join the workforce, but to also thrive in any type of work environment.


These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Users learn at their own pace in their own time.


This report outlines the need to work together with new and unlikely allies, other than education actors alone, to reimagine how our interconnected systems—health, education, economic development, and the protection of our planet—can work toward Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education and beyond.


This study reviews student assessment data collected from 15 EDC projects to determine the impact of interactive radio instruction (IRI) on student achievement in hard-to-reach areas.