Throughout the United States, EDC partners with school districts, state departments of health, industries, and nonprofits to improve health, education, and economic outcomes for millions of individuals, particularly those living in marginalized, high-risk, and underserved communities.

EDC’s curricula and materials have been used in settings ranging from public school systems to local health centers. Our evaluations and rigorous studies inform both programmatic and state-level policy decision making. And our stewardship of national centers in mental health, suicide prevention, early childhood education, and STEM learning and teaching has been essential in preparing a workforce with the skills and knowledge needed to advance best practices.



Here are a few of our resources on the United States. To see more, visit our Resources section.
White papers

The Indicators of Systems-Level Change were developed with the support of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation to evaluate shifts for broad support for student-centered learning in the policies, culture, and structures that govern student learning. The indicators are organized around a set of core elements of practice and policy that are integrated in the district system.


These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Users learn at their own pace in their own time.


This toolkit showcases some of the exciting ways prevention professionals are collaborating across communities and behavioral health fields to prevent substance use and misuse and promote overall health and wellness in their communities.


This report describes how the Regional Education Laboratory Northeast & Islands at EDC supported the formulation and implementation of a new data- and research-based discipline policy in one mi

Resource libraries

This resource library contains reports, analyses, surveys, and fact sheets developed as part of EDC’s administration of the MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey from 2006 to 2014.


This guide supports educators in creating, planning, and implementing innovative media projects with young people as part of the Adobe Youth Voices program.

White papers

In this paper, the authors discuss the purpose, design, and launch of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s first ever Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN).


This report presents findings from the evaluation of the 21st CCLC Program grantees who were active during 2018–2019.


This online guide provides Head Start and Early Head Start home visitors with effective strategies to assess, promote, and model good hygiene during regular meetings with families.


This factsheet provides an overview of some of EDC’s work to strengthen P-3 programs and systems to foster dual-language proficiency and improve outcomes for young dual-language learners.