EDC is home to people who care deeply about improving education, health, and opportunity worldwide. Contact them to learn more about what we do and what we know.
If you do not see the staff person you’re trying to reach, contact us.
Kathryn Jaksic, EDC project coordinator, specializes in identifying and analyzing the effects of structural inequities on individual and...
Simon James, a portfolio leader within the International Development Division, has more than 20 years of experience in international...
Cornelia Janke, senior international technical advisor, designs and manages international education programs, mobilizing communities to become active participants in the education system.
A skilled manager, Jill Jarvi is experienced in organizational development and capacity strengthening, strategic planning, project design...
Sarah Jerome, a public health expert, researcher, and training and technical assistance (TTA) specialist, is dedicated to eliminating health disparities and promoting health equity for disenfranchised, marginalized, and underserved communities.
Heaven Jimenez is a highly skilled EDC senior administrative assistant. She specializes in developing and overseeing systems and processes...
Jamie Jobe is a research associate experienced in quality improvement, sexual/mental health, early childhood development, and substance use.
Jennifer Jocz has nearly 10 years of experience in program evaluation and research, with a focus on STEM learning in both formal and informal environments.
Madelyn Johnson, EDC project coordinator, specializes in project organization, instructional design, and educational content writing. She...
Shawna Hite-Jones is a senior prevention specialist with the Suicide Prevention Resource Center.
Clare Grace Jones, technical assistance (TA) associate, is a public health and safety expert specializing in capacity building,...
Ivy Jones Turner, an expert in behavioral and mental health promotion and prevention, is an experienced program leader, technical...
Briana Joseph, EDC senior training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, brings 10 years of experience in advancing educational...
Jasmina Josić is an educational researcher with 15 years of research and evaluation experience focusing on the social context of education...
Laurin Jozlin is a licensed clinical social worker with 10 years of experience in suicide prevention, suicide intervention, community...
Jessica Juliuson, an expert in college and career readiness, cultivates strategic partnerships among schools, communities, and industry to enhance outcomes for youth.
Alice Kaiser’s experience entails assisting researchers in diverse areas, from coding and data entry to site observations and parent interviews.
Steve Kamanzi is EDC’s Liberia Country Director and Chief of Party (COP) for the USAID Youth Advance Activity. As COP, he led the...
Jane Kang, EDC senior research associate, brings 20 years of experience in mathematics and computer science education and research. Her...
Alex Karydi is an EDC project director and expert in substance misuse treatment and suicide prevention. She brings expertise in technical...
Maria Katradis is an experienced education and public health researcher with extensive expertise in training and technical assistance (TTA...
Nevin Katz, a senior technology associate and experienced instructional designer, provides technical leadership to education and...
Alisha Keirstead is the director of EDC’s Global Health Team, where she provides leadership, technical support, and quality assurance for...
Jennifer Kennedy is a mathematics educator who designs and implements technology-based mathematics programs in low-resource environments
Joy Lorenzo Kennedy, a developmental psychologist and highly experienced researcher, advances knowledge of strategies to promote early language and literacy development, school readiness, and family engagement.
Rachael Kenter is a public health professional with expertise in behavioral health promotion. She is especially interested in the alignment...
Shari Kessel Schneider, an expert in adolescent health and school health, advances knowledge of effective programs and practices to improve the physical and mental well-being of youth.
Eslam Khair, community support and engagement specialist, has over 12 years of experience in STEM education, technical support, and...
Dina Khalil, public health expert, is an epidemiologist and training and technical assistance (TA) associate. She brings expertise in...
A results-driven professional, Jackie Kiernan brings nearly two decades of experience in international program design and management. Her...
Kelsey Klein is an education researcher with expertise in survey and assessment development, data collection procedures, and quantitative data analysis.
Chuck Klevgaard is a nationally recognized expert in substance misuse prevention, public health, and school-based health. Drawing on his experience in collective impact and prevention-focused partnerships, he builds the capacity of states, tribes, schools, communities, and cities to use evidence-based substance misuse prevention and intervention strategies.
Stephanie Knutson, an EDC senior training and technical assistance associate, is an accomplished educator and nurse leader in the fields of...
Asli Koksal is the director of business development for EDC’s U.S. Division. She is a highly experienced leader with a strong track record...
Janna Kook, an experienced researcher and early childhood education expert, advances knowledge of effective strategies to enhance children’s learning in early childhood programs and at home.
Hannah Kuntz provides coordination support to EDC’s international projects, particularly those in Latin America. She has expertise in...
Shonika Kwarteng is an EDC training and technical assistance (TA) associate, an expert in child nutrition, and a registered dietitian. A...
Candace M. Kyles, EDC research associate, has experience in educational research, data collection and analysis, organizational and program...
Cecilia La Torre Ramirez is a development practitioner with a passion for unpacking and systematizing complex information to support...
Barbara Lambiaso is a skilled project manager with expertise in nonprofit public relations and communications promoting health and wellness...
Allison LaMont, an expert in early childhood development, family support, and parenting, has extensive experience in home visiting,...
Linda Langford is a public health professional with expertise in strategic planning, health communications, and program evaluation. Special...
Sattiya Langkhapin is an experienced curriculum designer and educator with a passion for promoting equitable access to quality education...
Michelle Lanier, EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, has over 12 years of experience in technical assitance, training,...
Heidi J. Larson, a digital education specialist and senior manager, leads and co-leads initiatives that build capacity to improve learning throughout the lifespan.
Daniel Lavan is a researcher and evaluator with interests in education, child rights, and child work, particularly in Africa.
Heather Lavigne, an expert in child development and research methodology, leads studies that explore how to enhance formal and informal PreK–12 learning.
Silvia LaVita, an experienced project associate, provides high-quality support to advance the goals of EDC’s K–12 STEM education...
Irene Lee is a national expert in computational thinking and K–12 STEM education. She leads a body of research that advances knowledge of...
Kristin Lees-Haggerty, an experienced public health researcher, focuses on designing, testing, and disseminating innovations to improve...
As a project coordinator and webinar specialist (technology specialist I), Keri Lemoine assists EDC projects with design, virtual event,...
Jennifer Leonardo, a nationally known expert in public health and injury and violence prevention, has extensive experience in quality improvement, health and social work program development, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and capacity building.
Zhandra Levesque, public health expert and experienced manager, leads projects focused on improving population health.
An expert in early education, literacy, and teacher professional development, Carrie Lewis, senior technical advisor, has more than 25 years of experience designing, implementing, and managing programs that improve access to quality education around the world.
Rebecca Lewis, a nationally recognized expert in STEM education, leads initiatives that catalyze young people’s interest in STEM and connect classroom experiences with the world of work.
Andrew Lewis, a committed and passionate development professional, has 25 years of leadership and technical experience working on U.S...
Ashley Lewis Presser leads research that advances knowledge of the classroom practices that best support Pre-K–12 learning and achievement.
Branden Leyva, EDC financial manager, is a results-driven fiscal professional with specialization in advanced financial analysis. His...
Melissa Lin (she/her), project director, brings extensive expertise in product development, communications, on-site and virtual event...
Bonnie Lipton is a public health educator, providing subject matter expertise on suicide prevention best practices to campus, state, and community organizations.
Kathy Lisborg, licensed clinical social worker and senior project associate, is experienced in implementation science, mental health,...
Carrie S. Liston is dedicated to helping programs and organizations increase their impact through evaluation. Liston has over 17 years of...
Julia Loewenthal, an experienced public health professional and trained clinical social worker, is currently working as an EDC project...
Alex Long is an EDC training and technical assistance (TA) specialist with extensive expertise in promoting mental health and well-being...
Terri Longworth, an EDC training and technical assistance (TA) associate, is an expert in early education and a highly skilled trainer,...
Josephine Louie, a highly experienced researcher, specializes in providing new insights into education policy, STEM education, technology integration, and social science.
Sarah MacGillivray, an experienced project manager and technical assistance (TA) provider, designs and leads efficient workflow processes,...
Meagan MacGregor is a prevention program manager specializing in military suicide prevention and risk data analysis, as well as a...
Erica Macheca, a managing editor for EDC’s U.S. Division, has contributed her strategic communications expertise to EDC for over 25 years...
Mary Mackrain is a national leader in infant and early childhood mental health systems and continuous quality improvement (CQI) methods.
Munir Mahomar Bendeck leads the development of supporting technologies for the monitoring, evaluation, and research activities of...
Almougairata Hamidou Maiga, an experienced Malian educator, currently serves as EDC’s national coordinator for the education arm of the...
Michelle Majeres, senior prevention specialist and behavioral health expert, has over 18 years of experience providing high-quality...
Joyce Malyn-Smith is a national expert on STEM career development and workforce education. She leads a body of work that explores how to...
Sophia Mansori, an expert in program evaluation, deepens understanding of the ingredients of successful educational innovations in domestic...
Jill Marcus, a research associate at EDC, provides technical assistance to educational stakeholders and assists with research study design, qualitative data collection and analysis, and reporting for K–12 education-related research projects.
June Mark, an expert in mathematics and computer science (CS) education, is dedicated to ensuring all students receive high-quality...
LaShawn Martin is an experienced administrative manager and operational professional with expertise in building professional relationships...
Wendy Martin leads education research and development focused on innovations to improve learner outcomes, including maker programs, micro-credentials, and digital science games.
Victor Mateas is an experienced educator, researcher, and instructional designer specializing in mathematics, science, data science, and...
Lilita Matison is a mental health and trauma expert specializing in trauma-informed approaches, mindfulness, and resilience. Matison brings...
Leslie McAllister, EDC senior technical assistance associate, is an expert in home visiting, human services, and public policy focused on...
Emma McAuley is a research associate experienced in quality improvement and program evaluation. She specializes in supporting teams in...
Dorothy McCormack is an expert in English language teaching, professional development, and standards-based education. She has extensive...
Catherine McCulloch leads national initiatives that focus on bridging STEM research and practice to improve outcomes for students. She has...
Clara McCurdy-Kirlis is a project manager with expertise in program development and management at state, tribal, community, and international levels.
Julia McGuirk is experienced in project management, funder communications, financial reporting, and strategic planning
WyKisha McKinney, EDC senior project associate, is a national expert in mental health promotion and suicide prevention. A highly skilled...
Matt McLeod, mathematics educator and expert in K–12 instructional design and professional development, focuses on achieving equitable...