EDC is home to people who care deeply about improving education, health, and opportunity worldwide. Contact them to learn more about what we do and what we know.
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Stefan McLetchie is an International Development Division (IDD) senior project director for an early-grade reading project in Zambia and a...
Tracy McMahon, an experienced researcher, evaluator, and community engagement specialist, is dedicated to ensuring high-quality education...
Emely Medina-Rodriguez is experienced in evaluation, policy, and leadership in grades K–12 and higher education. In Chicago, Medina-...
Elizabeth Miller Pittman is a specialist in curriculum development and training program design.
Suhina Minocha has expertise in mixed-methods research, with a focus on STEM education and workforce development. She has taught high...
Jessica Miranda, EDC vice president, oversees international operations within EDC’s International Development Division. Her areas of...
As a project and event coordinator, Pilar Miranda assists with meeting and event planning using her excellent customer service and...
Danika Miskelly is an experienced project associate whose interests are focused on early childhood education and teacher professional...
Babette Moeller, a distinguished scholar and leader in educational R&D and equity, is dedicated to ensuring that K–16 students with disabilities benefit from educational innovations and reforms.
Amy Molloy, senior project associate, is a behavioral health expert with 14 years of leadership experience in suicide prevention, mental...
Mayra Monterroso, an EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, brings extensive expertise in early childhood education and...
Ida Moreno, EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, has dedicated over 24 years to the field of early childhood education,...
Debra Gardner Morris, an expert in advanced training and technical assistance, helps build strong systems to promote health and support...
Viwe Mtshontshi is the chief of party of the South Africa School-Based Sexuality and HIV Prevention Activity. This activity is a cross-...
Meselu Mulugeta, EDC technical associate, specializes in international work readiness and entrepreneurship skills training. With her...
Siobhan Murphy is EDC’s chief operating officer (COO) and interim president as of May 1, 2024. As COO, she oversees the Technology, Human...
Theresa Murray is a highly skilled communications leader with over 15 years of experience in multi-channel marketing, media relations,...
As a global development professional, Carol Musallam brings expertise in digital and communications strategy, project management, policy...
Jo Mushitu, a Congolese medical doctor and public health professional, has over 15 years’ experience in public health and HIV/AIDS and...
Jennifer Myers is an expert in mental health promotion, suicide prevention, trauma-informed approaches, mindfulness, and resilience. A...
Athi Myint-U, a highly experienced public health specialist and instructional designer, brings expertise in designing innovative, evidence-...
Christina N’Tchougan-Sonou is an educational development professional with over 20 years of experience in educational management and...
Lucy Nelson, an educational technology researcher, evaluates media and digital resources that support early childhood education, at-home learning, and school readiness.
Laura Newhouse, EDC business operations manager, brings extensive expertise in program administration, adult learning, online learning,...
Kimberly Nguyen is a research associate experienced in designing and evaluating public health programs and conducting descriptive research...
Johannah Nikula, mathematics education expert and author , leads a body of research that advances knowledge of how to make engaging,...
Sara Velia Niño, EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, is an educational equity expert and scholar-practitioner. She...
Sarah Nogueira Sanca, portfolio leader and managing project director in the International Development Division (IDD), has over 25 years of...
Leana Nordstrom, EDC project director, is an expert in leading strategic communications, heading up event management, guiding product...
Nydia Ntouda is a nationally recognized expert in training, technical assistance, intervention, counseling and crisis services, and...
Nora Nunn is an educator, writer, and international development practitioner. With over 14 years of experience, she specializes in...
Carol Oliver is a nationally recognized leader and trainer in the field of substance misuse prevention. She has expertise in evidence-based...
Kerry Ouellet, a highly skilled and experienced communications specialist, project manager, and product developer, is an EDC managing...
Nana Owusu, partnership manager, brings expertise in operations project management, strategic planning, workflow optimization, and social...
Danielle Pacione brings expertise in research assistance, higher education support, and project support to her role as an EDC project...
Jason H. Padgett is a nationally recognized suicide prevention expert, an experienced program leader, and a highly skilled training and...
Allison Parish, a national expert in early childhood and mental health, has expertise in home visiting, continuous improvement, and...
Rachel Pascale is an expert in training and instructional design, strategic communications, and product development. Her professional...
Shelley Pasnik, EDC senior vice president and spokesperson for equitable futures for all families, oversees EDC’s communications and...
Taylor Passmore, an early childhood expert, creates equitable early education systems equipped to serve every child and family. She brings...
Christina Pease is a practicing general pediatrician who is dedicated to supporting children and their families who face the greatest...
Kirsten Peterson, an expert in online instructional design and interpersonal learning, creates innovative, effective learning experiences for diverse groups of learners.
Stephanie Phillips is an educational improvement expert and experienced facilitator of school-community partnerships that promote high-...
Mary Beth Piecham is an education researcher who advances knowledge of strategies to improve mathematics education for K–12 students,...
Sarita Pillai, a highly skilled leader of national technical assistance centers, works to enhance the quality, equity, and diversity of pre-K–12 STEM education.
Jenny Portillo-Nacu is an expert in elementary education and culturally responsive sustaining pedagogy and an experienced instructional...
Petrice Post has over 15 years of experience in strategic public health administration and project management. She specializes in...
Bill Potter is a senior education and youth development specialist with over 30 years of domestic and international experience as both a practitioner and a senior program manager.
Livia Powers, a highly skilled EDC administrative coordinator, has expertise in early childhood education and elementary education,...
Sarah Prusik, project coordinator, specializes in international education and project logistics. She provides expert assistance focused on...
Scott Pulizzi, an EDC senior international technical advisor, directs the Evidence and Learning Team for the USAID-supported Leading...
Philip Purnell is a senior international technical advisor in EDC’s International Development Division (IDD), with a special focus on the...
Kristen Quinlan, an expert in health psychology and a highly experienced evaluator, specializes in leading applied research focused on...
Roselia Ramirez, an early childhood education expert and senior training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, has over 25 years of...
Elizabeth Ramirez is the business development (BD) associate for the U.S. Division (USD). She brings over four years of experience in...
Kristen Reed, an expert in early childhood and elementary mathematics, is dedicated to making mathematics fun, challenging, and engaging...
Bianca Reid, training and technical assistance (TA) associate, is an experienced project leader and a public health expert specializing in...
Emily Relkin, senior research associate, is interested in how educational media and technologies impact young children’s development. Her...
Shannon Reynolds, a highly skilled administrative coordinator, brings diverse experiences to advancing the goals of initiatives to improve...
Brandt Richardson, EDC senior research associate, is experienced in research study design to guide evaluations of educational interventions...
A specialist in building inexpensive yet robust tools suitable for the challenging conditions of classrooms in the developing world, Simon Richmond designs technology-based educational interventions for marginalized and underserved populations.
EDC Vice President Tom Rielly serves as the director of the Operations Department. Since joining EDC in 1987, Rielly has led several EDC...
Drewallyn Riley is a data and continuous quality improvement (CQI) technical assistance (TA) specialist with the Maternal, Infant, and...
Julie Riordan, principal research scientist and a leader in the field of educational research, facilitates systemic change in education...
Andrea Riquetti, EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, is an early childhood expert and highly skilled pre-K–12 education...
Wendy Rivenburgh, an expert in project-based learning, media literacy, and civics education, empowers learners through inquiry and...
Meghan Robles, an expert in early childhood education, draws upon her experience as a teacher, coach, and crisis intervention specialist to...
Tiffani Rogers, EDC training and technical assistance (TTA) associate, is an expert in early childhood special education. She is committed...
Heidi Rosenberg is an expert in family engagement, early childhood education, out-of-school time (OST) care, and evaluation strategies to...
Deborah Rosenfeld has extensive knowledge of early childhood mathematics through her experiences teaching young children, studying teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about early childhood mathematics, and working with teachers to develop knowledge of mathematical development.
Susan Ross is experienced in designing and leading national level and U.S.-based education and community development projects in areas as...
Gisela Rots, a public health expert and highly skilled trainer, leads programs that improve outcomes for vulnerable populations through the use of evidence-based strategies.
Robby Ruggles, EDC technology and media coordinator, is a highly skilled and versatile marketing, multi-media, and IT professional. Drawing...
Nancy Ruskin, a highly experienced administrative manager and operations professional, contributes her strong problem-solving, data...
Shanna Russ, research communications expert and experienced project director, leads the dissemination strategy for REL Northeast &...
Danielle Santos, a highly skilled financial manager, possesses advanced fiscal analytic competencies, management expertise, and accounting...
For 25 years, Melanie Sany has been at the forefront of designing, steering, and assessing workforce development and education initiatives...
Neil Schiavo is an expert in educational equity and the evaluation of large-scale education initiatives.
Felice Seigneur is a public health expert and experienced evaluator, evaluation project manager, program manager, and researcher. She is...
Suzanne Sevegny, an EDC training and technical assistance associate, has over two decades of experience in child development, early...
Teresa Sherman is the manager for communications and engagement for EDC Solutions , the direct service enterprise of EDC. She specializes...